7 Quick Takes: First Edition
I thought I might jump in with ever-hysterical genius, Kelly, for my first ever Seven Quick Takes. I know I am so so so very late to this party but people still say better late than never, right? Probably a late person. Ok, here goes:
- My Front Porch Friday: Practicing Self-Care & Creating Connection: I am starting an Instagram hashtag TODAY and I would love for you to participate! It's ok if you don't have a front porch, it can be proverbial. Here's the general idea: I want to include more moments in my life where I can slow down, practice self care, actually read my book, observe my surroundings, talk to the neighbors I like (lolll fine, love all my neighbors), and make connections with the Insta community that I love. Decorating our porch is therapeutic for me, and I'm trying to turn it into a space in which I want to be. We don't have a yard, so this is it for me in terms of outside personal space. Anyway, I'd love to see your front porch, or your proverbial front porch (maybe it's a backyard, or a space in your house) that brings you peace, and allows you to take a moment for yourself. Your post on instagram can be pretty or not, introspective or funny, detailed or quick, I just want to see you and connect with you! Your front porch moments do not need to happen in real time on Friday, I would just love for you to share them on Fridays for consistency. Example: On Monday you decorated your porch/sat outside with a book/talked to a friend on the phone (what is talking on the phone?)/journaled/observed your surroundings/meditated/painted/created/sat bored/had a meltdown/ate some ice cream/wrote a letter, and I want to hear about it! If you think you'll forget to post by Friday, you can take a photo and save it in a draft on instagram (here's how) and then post it Friday using: #MyFrontPorchFriday. I'm starting us off today on insta at 2pm. I can't wait to connect with you and see what you create, what insights you have, and how you practice self care.
- Steve turned 30!!! He doesn't love birthdays or attention (cannot relate) so I decorated the house in glittery signs of affirmation,
burnedmade chocolate chip pancakes, and we spent the day on the beach. Later that evening we stopped at Peace of Wood for their fundraiser for Matt Fumo and his family. I posted about this briefly on Facebook and Insta, but you can read more about his journey and updates here. My dad provided the food with his business, Toppers Hot Dogs, and looked adorable. He also owns a bucket hat with hot dogs printed all over it, so there's that. - Fashion Problems: This happened on insta, but don't worry the stains are all gone. Also, I really want this skirt/dress but I can't decide if I can pull it off?? Also these pants. Somebody stop me. Finally, I am in the market for new sneakers, since Josie has torn mine almost to shreds. Would appreciate some input. I like these and these but IDKKKK. I love the colors: black, blush, grey, and white so send me your recs.
- Enneagram Things: I figured out I am a 7 on the Enneagram and Steve is a 9 and we spent the entirety of one dinner talking about how we work in a relationship. I'm also loving the podcast The Road Back to You. I know I am so late to this, but whatev. I want to read and know all the things, so tell me.
- Most Recent Blog: After having a weird emotional day this week I wrote this post . It was very LiveJournal of me. Side note: Did anyone else print out their LiveJournal, three-hole-punch it, and bind it with ribbon? No? Just me? K. Follow up to that post is forthcoming. I'll talk more in depth about how to support friends or family struggling with infertility. If anyone who has struggled or does struggle with infertility would like to contribute, please email me at hello@heykatie.co.
- When Your Wedding Singer is Famous:
Shoutout to my girl, Caitlin Mahoney, and her amazing performance on the Jimmy Fallon Show. She has been gracious enough to let me sing with her on multiple occasions in college and NYC, and sang the ceremony for our wedding. She is a boss human, and a boss singer-songwriter. Check her out here and on iTunes and Spotify. She might be on tour near you!
- Photos:
K, that's all for today.