Florida Mini-Vacation & A Family Wedding
Anyone else come home from vacation wanting a vacation?? That's exactly how it felt landing in New Jersey to wind, rain, and 40 degree weather after days of sunny & 75 in Florida. But I'm here to recap our super-short trip and dump some pics for ya, because it was so much fun! Can I just say how nice it was to remember what the sun feels like? lolololol. I also put together a quick little video with clips from this weekend at the end of this post. If y'all think I should switch careers to pursue film, just say the word [insert laughing emoji and steve rolling his eyes emoji].
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[show_shopthepost_widget id="3105224"]WednesdayAfter work Steve & I drove to the airport to fly everyone's favorite airline, Spirit. What a joy it is to live near an airport with only one available option to fly. Check-in was a breeze, though, so not complaining. We almost made it through security until TSA decided we might be a threat to national security and gave us both a full frisking.At least buy me a drink first, am I right? jkjkjkjkjk.I was paranoid during this process, though, and it was for a really weird reason, but I'm going to tell you anyway. Earlier that day while driving home from work I went to adjust my sweater and found a pair of underwear on my shoulder???? I had just given a full presentation to a room full of teens, mind you. Guys, I kid you not, this is the most bizarre thing I've ever done during sleep deprivation. I'm driving home from this retreat, and my sweater feels weirdly bulky, so I reach up to my shoulder and, lo and behold, out comes a pair of my unmentionables. Can you IMAGINE if they had fallen out in the middle of me talking about Jesus? I literally can't.Anyway, I was worried that I somehow missed another pair of covert undies on my person and I would have to do my best to convince TSA that I wasn't part of some weird undie-laundering (puns!!!) operation.Turns out it was this Mary bracelet, and my tights causing the problem.Other highlights from this flight: listening to Spirit employees pitch their Mastercard 97 times, a dog crying the whole way to FL, and zero personal space.Steve's brother & his wife were generous enough to pick us up from the airport, and let us use one of their cars for the weekend, so it was nice to see them as soon as we landed. Also, the weather was incredible and my mood was instantly better.We arrived in Naples around 9:30, and raided Publix for a late-night meal before crashing for the night.
Thursday & Friday
We were (thankfully) able to have these two days together before traveling to Orlando for Steve's cousin's wedding, and it was absolutely perfect. We laid by the pool, saw A Quiet Place (amazing, go!), and ate lots of tacos & just enough margs from Tacos & Tequila.On Friday we joined Dan, Mary Kate & Peter for a beach day at Clam Pass & it was perfection.
In true me fashion, I still needed shoes & a purse for the wedding, so Saturday morning was spent in Nordstrom. Steve was having a blast, let me tell ya.After being directed into the designer section full of $800 shoes (lololollll) I found the perfect pair & bag to match. I linked my whole outfit over on my Like to Know It page & App, which is where I post most of my outfits you see on the blog or insta.Then we met up with the other half of the Waldow clan, and went on our way to Orlando. My sisters-in-law found an amazing resort via Airbnb that could accommodate all of us + Steve's parents, so it was great to be together.
Wedding Day! The forecast was predicting 100% rain for the ceremony start time, so that was a bit complicated, but we tried to remain hopeful.We found the incredible Basilica of the National Shrine of Mary, Queen of the Universe, five minutes from where we were staying, and we were able to attend Mass together. It was so, so beautiful, and the singing!! Amazing.
The rest of the day we spent lazing around until we were told the wedding ceremony had been moved up 30 minutes in an attempt to beat the rain, and then it was a mad dash to get ready in time.Unfortunately, we didn't beat the weather, but the ceremony remained outside and it was beautiful. And now I can check "Wedding Ceremony in the Rain" off my bucket list. Steve's cousin, Melissa, was the most beautiful bride, and the venue was so picturesque! Also, there was a mashed potato bar, so basically my day was made.
I had to work Monday, so Steve and I were on the earliest flight possible, and waking up that morning was not easy. Also, I maintain that the Orlando airport is the seventh circle of hell. Even though we arrived two hours early, it took about an hour to get through security alone, and we made it to our flight in the middle of the boarding process. Steve and I were seated separately, which was dumb, but fine. Once we landed both of us confessed that we had thought about jumping out of our seats to sit together in the event that the plane took a nosedive, so that's super uplifting and not morbid at all.And now we are back, and I am crying into my computer typing this, wondering when I will ever feel warmth again. You know, just New Jersey things.P.S.- if you haven't had a chance to listen, I recorded an episode with the Diocesan podcast, Talking Catholic, all about my work in Minsitry, and even a few tangents about veganism, if you want to listen!Have the best weekend! TGIFxo,Katieps, video: