Our Infertility Journey: One Month Post Surgery
HAPPY SPRING!!!! I am the most joyful person alive simply because we are out of the winter. It's still cold which is stupid, but I guess that's how things go in New Jersey. I'm learning.Honestly, everyone in the Northeast is perpetually rolling their eyes at me, but winter is tough.Whine whine says everyone in a state still covered with snow. But I was only 3 1/2 when my parents left Philly & moved us to Palm Springs, and then two years later moved us to Florida, where I spent most of my life, so my standards for appropriate seasonal temperatures are probably (definitely) way off. I will say I have improved a little bit in the six years since I've been here, though. When Steve & I visited Ft. Myers in October people were like,
fall is here!!!!!!!!!!
And I just looked at them like they were crazy and was all, bless your heart, because it was 82 degrees & I was sitting by the pool.Go home, everyone in Florida, you're drunk. (accurate assessment of Florida)ANYWAY. This is a really long intro. I'm always unsure of how to start these posts and then I just ramble like I do in real life. And now here we are. I love spring, blah blah blah.OK SO. It's been a month since surgery and I figured I'd give you a proper update instead of the post-op Percocet novella you received back in February. You can read that here if you missed it. Don't worry, I will not be going into super gross detail.
I have recovered almost 100% & it's nice to not feel exhausted after five minutes of doing anything. I'm still not ready to exercise more than walking, but I am hoping to be back at the gym soon. Please everyone keep posting your workout videos, you are inspiring me & making me write down 9 million things I want to try upon my return.I'm super thankful for the sweet friends & family who continue to ask how I am doing and those who have sent cards & prayers and called. It truly means so much to me, so thank you for your constant thoughtfulness. I am blessed beyond measure.
Follow-Up Appointment
At the follow-up my doctor told me two things they found in the uterine biopsy. One is called simple hyperplasia without atypia, which basically means I have a 1-3% risk of having that develop into cancer, and another is called chronic endometritis, which is basically inflammation that might be prohibiting proper implantation, not to be confused with endometriosis (which they found in surgery & removed). I am on an antibiotic for the endometritis, and I will have another biopsy in six months for the hyperplasia.SO THAT WAS A FUN DAY.I only shared this with friends & family for the past month, because I have been taking my time unpacking everything in my mind & heart and trying not to be angry that the follow-up couldn't just be: yay! you're better! I am very grateful though, because the biopsy was a last-minute decision we made the morning of surgery & I'd rather know and be actively trying to fix it.The past few months were emotionally rough, and February into March has been most difficult. When you live in a seasonal place like Ocean City, winter can easily become a physically, emotionally, financially, creatively, spiritually empty season. It can for me, at least. Everything literally feels like the winteriest winter (grammar). Add that to the fact that it's Lent & HELLO: SEND HELP.But I am finally sharing with you today because there is the tiniest of lights breaking through this tunnel. After 3 years of being unable to get my cycle without medications, ol' faithful (is that a thing? sounds gross) has returned, just 30-something days after surgery!! Sorry if that is TMI, but this is a huge health victory for me so I am shouting from the rooftops. Our doctor mentioned it could take up to three months to return on its own, if at all, so it's a great relief knowing we don't need extra medication. I've never been so happy to crave chocolate & have my face breakout, HA!Steve and I celebrated yesterday by spending time in prayer at Adoration & indulging in Ben & Jerry's vegan Coconut Seven Layer Bar ice cream while watching reruns of parks & rec.It felt so symbolic to have this happen at the beginning of a new and beautiful season & for the first time in a long, long time, I am hopeful.Also, since it's National Puppy Day, here are a few cute Josie photos to make you feel happy & one of Luna because cats.
As always, thanks for reading along, friends. Hope your spring is off to a good start.